Are surfing lessons necessary? Along the North Coast of Oregon prior to 2005, there really weren’t any exceptional surfing lessons being taught. I and all of my coaches except for one had to learn to surf on their own. (10 women coaches and 2 men coaches over the last 18 years of our program). We […]

A Dream Come True…at last! As the Director of NW Women’s Surf Camps for the last 16 years, one of my dreams has been to have OPB’s Oregon Field Guide cover our unique women’s focused surfing program. I reached out to them numerous times over the years to no avail, but I kept persevering, hoping […]

Just like everything in Life, there are rules. Surfing is part of Life, so rules apply here as well. If you learn them, practice and follow them, then in surfing you can expect to be safer in every session, avoid potential injuries to yourself and others, but most importantly in my view, create a harmonious […]

Spatial awareness, knowing the combined length of your surfboard and leash, and not ditching your surfboard are the three main focuses you need to be aware of when you’re in the waves surfing. Being mindful of what is around you in the ocean; when you’re paddling out to the lineup, when you’re dropping in on […]