A Dream Come True…at last! As the Director of NW Women’s Surf Camps for the last 16 years, one of my dreams has been to have OPB’s Oregon Field Guide cover our unique women’s focused surfing program. I reached out to them numerous times over the years to no avail, but I kept persevering, hoping […]

As an experienced surfer, you develop a keen sense of the dynamism of the ocean and its environment. Through daily or regular observations, each time you check the surf or travel down to go surfing on the coast, the time you take paying attention to these ocean dynamics strengthens your skills in competently surfing it. […]

For me, it’s always been all about the fit! When I started surfing in the mid 80’s along the North Coast of Oregon, there wasn’t a selection of women’s cold water wetsuits to choose from, in fact there was no cold water wetsuits for surfing being made for women. You could find thick dive suits […]

When I started to surf on the North Coast of Oregon in the mid 80’s, it was late fall and my husband had just bought me a new wetsuit, parts, Mike Steward bodyboard and Churchill swim fins. Having only been back to Oregon for our second winter, from having lived seven years along the North […]