My Epiphany Realized
My passion, since beginning NW Women’s Surf Camps in 2005, has always been about teaching women, of all ages, girls too, surfing. Knowing how it has personally transformed my life over the last nearly three decades, I wanted to share this transformative experience with women and girls here along the North Oregon Coast. I also envisioned a thriving community of women who would surf in the Pacific NW for years to come, passing along to their daughters and grand-daughters this ocean gift, creating a legacy for PNW surf chicks. Today, women’s surfing in the NW is getting stronger and growing every year. Where there used to be four of us local women here on the North Coast that surfed or bodyboarded in the late 1980’s, now locally there is probably 25 to 30+. The path has been laid and opportunities for women and girls to surf here in cold water waves are supported by local surf shops, a surf school, our surfing event and lesson program, numerous wetsuit manufacturers, surfboard shapers and the local men surfers as well. Mission and vision well on its way of being accomplished!
“The epiphany” that started me on this unique path from the beginning can be read here- https://nwwomenssurfcamps.com/about-us/our-vision/
Enjoy life more, learn to surf and ride cold water waves in our beautiful Pacific Ocean playground!
Connection, empowerment and transformation awaits you!

Connection, empowerment and transformation awaits you!
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